DBus Interface =============== New in blivet-2.2 is an experimental (see the :ref:`todo`) DBus interface. This interface provides methods for examining blivet's ``DeviceTree``, creating devices using blivet's ``DeviceFactory``, and removing devices. The interface uses the bus name ``com.redhat.Blivet0``. * com.redhat.Blivet0.Blivet * Methods * Reset() * Reset the model to match the running system. * Exit() * Stop the associated service. * ListDevices() -> ``'ao'`` * List the devices in the current model. * Return a list of device object paths. * ResolveDevice(``'s'``) -> ``'o'`` * Resolve a flexible device specification to a device object path. * Raise com.redhat.Blivet1.DeviceLookupFailed if no matching device was found. * Arguments * spec - device specification (eg: 'sda', 'LABEL=swap') * Return the object path of the matching device. * RemoveDevice(``'o'``) * Remove a device specified by object path. * InitializeDisk(``'o'``) * Create a disklabel on a disk specified by object path. * Factory(``'a{sv}'``) -> ``'o'`` * Configure a non-existent device based on a top-down specification. * Return the object path to the configured device. * Optional Arguments * size (``'t'``) - Device target size in bytes. * disks (``'ao'``) - list of object paths of disks to use * device (``'o'``) - object path of already configured device to modify * name (``'s'``) - name of device (eg: 'testdata') * raid_level (``'s'``) - raid level as a string (eg: 'raid0') * encrypted (``'b'``) - encrypt device? * fstype (``'s'``) - file system type (eg: 'xfs', 'swap') * label (``'s'``) - file system label * container_name (``'s'``) - name of container device * container_size (``'t'``) - size of container device in bytes (omit for automatic sizing) * container_encrypted (``'b'``) - encrypt container device? * container_raid_level (``'s'``) - raid level as a string * Commit() * Commit all scheduled changes to disk. * Properties * com.redhat.Blivet0.Device * Methods * Setup() * Active the device. * Teardown() * Deactivate the device. * Properties * Name (``'s'``) - The device's name (eg: 'sdb3') * Path (``'s'``) - Full device node path (eg: '/dev/mapper/fedora-root') * Type (``'s'``) - Device type (eg: 'lvmlv') * Size (``'t'``) - Device size in bytes. * ID (``'i'``) - Device ID. (used to formulate object path) * UUID (``'s'``) - Device UUID (not file system or other formatting UUID) * Status (``'b'``) - Is the device active and ready for use? * RaidLevel (``'s'``) - RAID level as a string (eg: 'raid1') * Parents (``'ao'``) - Object paths of devices on which this device resides. * Children (``'ao'``) - Object paths of devices that reside (in any part) on this device. * Format (``'o'``) - Object path for this device's formatting. * com.redhat.Blivet0.Format * Methods * Setup() * Teardown() * Properties * Device (``'s'``) - The full path to the device node. (eg: '/dev/mapper/fedora-root') * Type (``'s'``) - Format type. (eg: 'ext4') * ID (``'i'``) - A unique ID. (Used internally and to formulate object paths.) * UUID (``'s'``) - UUID associated with the formatting. * Label (``'s'``) - Label associated with the formatting. * Mountable (``'b'``) - Whether this formatting is something that can be mounted. * Mountpoint (``'s'``) - Mountpoint associated with this device/formatting. * Status (``'b'``) - Whether this formatting is current active or mounted. * com.redhat.Blivet0.Action * Methods * Properties * Description (``'s'``) - Description of action. (eg: "[1] Destroy device partition sdb3 (id 7)") * Device (``'o'``) - Object path of device this action operates on. * Format (``'o'``) - Object path of formatting this action operates on. * Type (``'s'``) - Type of action. (eg: "Create Format") * ID (``'i'``) - A unique ID. (Used internally and to formulate object paths.) .. _todo: To Do List ---------- * testing * PolicyKit integration * implement signals * show properties when introspecting