Testing Blivet

Note: The test suite documented here is available only from the git repository not as part of any installable packages.

In order to execute blivet’s test suite from inside the source directory execute the command:

make test

Tests descending from ImageBackedTestCase or LoopBackedTestCase require root access on the system and will be skipped if you’re running as non-root user. Tests descending from ImageBackedTestCase will also be skipped if the environment variable JENKINS_HOME is not defined. If you’d like to execute them use the following commands (as root):

# export JENKINS_HOME=`pwd`
# make test

To execute the Pylint code analysis tool run:

make check

Running Pylint doesn’t require root privileges but requires Python3 due to usage of pocket-lint.

It is also possible to generate test coverage reports using the Python coverage tool. To do that execute:

make coverage

It is also possible to check all external links in the documentation for integrity. To do this:

cd doc/
make linkcheck

Test Suite Architecture

Blivet’s test suite relies on several base classes listed below. All test cases inherit from them.

In order to get a high level view of how test classes inherit from each other you can generate an inheritance diagram:

PYTHONPATH=.:tests/ python3-pyreverse -p "Blivet_Tests" -o svg -SkAmy tests/